
Catherine Lightfoot changed my life. I met her at 30 weeks pregnant on the bid island of hawaii. There she opened my heart in ways I didn’t know possible. Catherine showed me how to peel back the layers of traumas and realities that had been apart of my life, that had shaped my life in ways I hadn’t considered. Then with courage we looked at them together, I felt supported with love. With Catherine’s support I moved through these traumas with reverence and patience so that I could move forward as a mother, a partner and as my authentic self. 

Catherine also taught me of the global elephant circle and how we are all connected, mothers and babies and laboring mothers, and that through prayer, meditation and candle light that we can support each other through our labors and take the power of birth back into our own hands and wombs. 

I am overjoyed to share with you all this conversation with the honorable Catherine Lightfoot. 

With love, Reyn

From Catherine's Website:

Catherine Lightfoot Martin, CPM

Peace on Earth Begins with Birth

I am a mother of two nature-loving, wild boys; partner to a wonderful man (and chef!);  and lover of the earth and sea.  I was a yoga teacher for 12 years before becoming a midwife and my family and I still love to incorporate that deep peace of movement and meditation in our daily lives. I love to sing, dance, garden, hike, snorkel, read and enjoy life and nature! But I’m most passionate about being a guardian of the sacred gate that we call birth; bearing witness to the awakening of a woman’s power; helping inform, heal and protect The Four Baskets- the time frame from conception to six hours after birth.

Although I am a certified midwife (since September 2016), I have also been trained in the ancient art of traditional midwifery and consider myself a new earth community midwife. My skills include use of herbs, massage, song and yoga. I provide a full service of prenatal visits, intrapartum and postpartum care in the home to healthy, low risk pregnant women and their babies regardless of religion, race, alternative lifestyles, or ethnic origin.

I would love to talk to you and see if we are a good match for each other. Please feel free to contact me and leave your email or phone number and I will respond as soon as possible.
