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RSOM PRIDE presents Gay Night!

RSOM PRIDE presents Gay Night!

Wednesdays at 7pm

Reyn Studios Outward Movement (RSOM) is a long-standing endeavour to use our practice and our space to raise awareness and support for our community. In the spirit of PRIDE, our June RSOM will be geared towards celebrating and supporting the LGBTQ community in New Orleans. The proceeds from the Wednesday 7pm will go to BreakOUT NOLA (a local organization that helps LGBTQ youth). In addition to proceeds there will be a donation box for those who wish to give a little extra.

Beyond the funds, those of us who have been there know that solidarity and community are very much needed as well. We need your presence even more than your dollar. Yoga is about union; it's about stretching ourselves to see past the differences to that which connects us. Allies are not just welcome, they are wanted.

LGBTQ friends who wish to come to the Wednesday night 7pm, but can’t pay, are WELCOME! Simply go to the desk and tell them you are “Emma’s guest” and your class is free. We truly hope to see you there. Please tell your friends. Happy PRIDE!