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Reyn Studios Podcast: Episode 4 - DR. CATHERINE CLINTON ND


Reyn Studios Podcast: Episode 4 - DR. CATHERINE CLINTON ND


Dr. Catherine Clinton ND joins us today to give us her birth stories and so much more. The story begins with her discovery of a local Midwife and the dawn of her journey as an apprentice with her. Catherine was enlightened and amazed by the use of herbal medicines used by the Midwife and attributes the 5 years working alongside the Midwife to be the spark catalyst that led her in the direction of herbal and plant based medicines. She takes us on her journey through medical school and her own illness rooted in childhood trauma. Catherine also explains in great detail the difference between Homeopathy and Naturopathy. She shares of self care, Heartmath, and EMF's and their impact on humans.  The episode is part 1 and my apologies for the abrupt end of the conversation. Part 2 will come to us down the road! 

Catherine Clinton ND is a licensed naturopathic physician with a focus on gut health, autoimmunity and psychoneuroimmunology. Author, speaker, pediatric health advocate, Dr. Catherine Clinton practices in Eugene, Oregon. 

When in medical school Catherine was diagnosed with and healed from an autoimmune disease that effects the gastrointestinal tract, leaving her with a passion to prevent autoimmunity in children everywhere. Catherine addresses the psychoneuroimmune system and gut health of children through a deeper connection with the world around us. She has multiple peer-reviewed medical journal publications as well as guest writing for several publications. You can follow her on Facebook at or @dr.catherineclinton on Instagram.

Her blog can be found here
